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In the beginning, the first sentences of the introduction, the author tells us about him why he writes and what is Stamped going to be about. This really made me interested a lot more about this book, because I got to learn about the author from his own point of view. He also gives the definitions (in his own words) about racist ideas and Antiracism which is pretty obvious for pretty much anyone, but it was nice that he added that there.

He also adds a quick description about the other author who wrote this book, he introduces him as a very nice a really good writer, and even much better. Which first of all it's a lie! both of the people that worked on this book are cool and really great writers, they are not above nor below one another, they both have their own different ways of writting that I personally love!

Anyways, the author then tells how he wrote the book Stamped was based of -Stamped From the beginning- and that he wrote it in his phone while seeing the reported death of many kids who were killed because of police. Kids who were harmless, yet were killed because of their color. And I really could relate to this part, I mean no, I haven't lost anyone because of a police man, but that part just reminded me of when I watched the news too and all of these deaths appeared. I am not black myself, but I am not white either, and just the though that you could get killed by a policeman for doing nothing really scared me. And I don't think I can imagine how it would feel like for someone that is actually African American. It really broke my hearth all of these deaths, and I am glad the author brought it up here too.

After this, he talks more about the #Black Lives Matter movement and about the racist problems there have been in the past. He also gives some math here and there to prove that African American's are still treated horribly today. 200 or more years later after America was founded!

The author then gives a quick story from his life and tells that he had racist ideas of his own, but he discovered that all of these ideas were wrong. and lastly he says some powerful words about racism here in America.

The intro to Stamped is so good because the author is able to introduce not only himself, but his other partner. He is also explaining why he wrote the first book and his inspirations. Why he writes and what he believes in is also very important here in this introduction. He also gives a tribute to those who lost their lives and to the racism problems we have right now. He also gives information about this book in specific and really proves that he not only knows a lot about this subject, but at the same time, he really cares about it and wants to make a difference. Giving a beautiful meaning to this introduction and to the rest of the book. A great way to start, huh?

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