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The beginning of The Song of Achilles

Updated: May 25, 2021

I've started to read The Song of Achilles, and (this was really not a surprise at all) I AM HOOKED.

I don't know what Madeline Miller has that makes anything she writes more interesting, but I want it!

Just like my blogs about Circe, I will try to give you a quick, and small description about the introduction of the book.

"My father was a king, and the son of kings."

Right off the bat, we are introduced to Menoetius. A short but strong man, arrogant too. He married a "quiet stupid" woman who was 14 (very, VERY illegal). They had a son, Patroclus, who became the disappointment of the family, and our main character. He was skinny, could not sing, was not fast, nor strong. He was pretty much no one.

Patroclus tells stories about his childhood. How much of a disappointment he is to the family. Kids his age, and even younger could beat him at anything. And every time Patroclus lost, Menoetius would only hate him more and more.

One day, a well known princess was ready for marriage, a princess who everyone wanted in their family. Patroclus was forced to go to her as a suitor, which of course, he did not like at all. Men from all over the world gathered in this princess's castle, men with honor, strength, etc. Things that Patroclus did not. One by one, the men introduced one another to the princess and her father, until it is Patroclus turn.

My third hand embarrassment grew off the charts, as Patroclus's father introduces Patroclus to the princess. To no one's surprise, Patroclus was not chosen as the princess's husband, and this was Menoetius limit.

Patroclus was exiled form his family, and sent to Phthia, the castle of king Peleus, husband of a sea nymph or goddess named Thetis. There, he met more orphans just like him, and he also met Achilles, the son of Peleus. Patroclus and Achilles eventually got closer and closer, becoming good friends and both sharing their happiness and problems. Achilles became such an important person for Patroclus because no one, EVER loved Patroclus like Achilles did.

Achilles showed Patroclus a lyre. This same lyre that actually for Patroclus's mother, and was very important to her. Yet, Patroclus never mentions this to Achilles, because he enjoys Achilles singing with it. This is how slowly but surely Achilles and Patroclus fall in love.

There are so many things I am loving about this book! First, Patroclus is such a sweet, and innocent kid and I feel so bad for him with all of the things that are happening to him. He is so shy with everyone until meeting Achilles. They both have such a great chemistry with each other and every time they meet, it brings butterflies to my stomach!

For now, everything in the story has been really calm, but I am scared this might not be the case in the future. I SWEAR IF ONE OF THEM DIES =( Patroclus and Achilles have become precious to me and I am really hoping (as I keep reading) Achilles and Patroclus have a happy ending with each other!

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