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What I think about the first person writting in The Song of Achilles.

Now That I am half way done with the book (And sorry that these blog posts are a big small) I will like to tell you my opinion on the first person writting in The Song of Achilles.

Great! Amazing, LITERRALY IN LOVE!! I find it so interesting that Miller wrote this book in first person, yet it's a story about a different person than the one narrating.

Miller says that she wanted to share the story of Achilles, and not really Patroclus, but yet, since the very first time she researched about Achilles, she knew she needed to write it from Patroclus perspective.

I love so much Patroclus and his thoughts on Achilles. His thoughts are so important for the story because unlike everyone else around him, he is weak, shy, and does not have a lot of experience. Also, every time he explains how much he loves Achilles, it couldn't get done better with any other character. If this was a story narrated from Achilles perspective, it would seem as if Achilles was perfect in every single way because everything that passes through his mind is usually honor. But Patroclus cares about the one he loves, he does not care about honor, money, etc. He will risk everything for Achilles, while Achilles pretty much does anything for himself.

Unlike Circe, I think 3rd person wouldn't work at all in this book, it might be pretty cool to hear other's stories, but this book would be much more longer and probably loose the main focus of Patroclus and Achilles's love.

This is all I need to pretty much say, I know it's a small blog post, but there is nothing else I can really write about. Overall, I am so glad that this book is written in the perspective of Patroclus, the one who is there for Achilles. I know I would enjoy this book if it was in the perspective of someone else or 3rd person, yet, I know it would feel totally different, and perhaps a bit trashy. I just love so much listening to Patroclus ideas as well as opinions on everything happening around him, and ESPECIALLY love when Patroclus talks about his love and worries for Achilles.

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