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What I think about first person writting in Circe.

As I am reading Circe, it is obvious that this is told by Circe herself, I really love it because it gives me her emotions and thoughts which are very important because this book is about her. But, I feel like this book could be so much better with a third person writting.

As I said, this book is about Circe and her life, struggles, etc. It focuses on how things and people impact her to become a better or worse person.

The other characters in this book are so interesting too, I want to learn their past, and why they treat Circe the way they do. I know I can easily find books about these characters everywhere, but it wont focus on their relationship with Circe which is what I am intrigued about.

I want to learn why Circe's mother hates her so much, I want to learn why Circe's sisters became the way they are, I want to learn Aeetes story and the way he conquers his lands, I want to learn what was truly going in Glaucos mind while talking to Circe.

I could talk non stop about the things I wish I knew about the other characters, and all of this would be fixed if this book was written in third person.

I just wanna make this clear, I am enjoying this book a lot! I can't take my eyes away from this book, it is so beautiful and interesting and makes me upset from time to time. I am loving it, and I believe the first person writting truly works in this story, because it focus on just Circe (which is the whole point).

I guess I just love hearing as much stories as possible in just one book. Listening to the other character's story would probably make me understand them a bit better, but it is so hard to relate to them and accept them because of their actions towards Circe.

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