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Why I love Circe (the character) so much!

I am in the middle of the book, and I am overwhelmed by the amount of information my brain has.

Here is what happened explained in the fastest way possible:

Circe learns about her which craft more and more, makes a farm and finally accepts her lonely life. One day, a man named Hermes appears in her island. He tells her that the name of the island she is forced to live in is called Aiaia....and then they become lovers.

Hermes visits her multiple times, and learns about her past while she learns about the outside world. A boat comes to Circe's island asking her to help one of her sisters, Pasiphae while giving birth. Circe accepts to help her sister, and learns that the nymph she turned into a monster (Scylla) is hunting the mortals in the sea, killing them and eating them. While in her journey to her sister, she stumbles upon Scylla and changes the way she looks to Aeetes in order to talk to Scylla. But Scylla does not care and leaves. When Circe arrives at Pasiphae's home, she helps her give birth which turns out there was a monster inside Pasiphae's womb. The "baby" bites Circe's hand off and tries to run around, he is put in a cage and it's Pasiphae immediately demands for him to be killed.

Circe does not want this "baby" to be killed because she believes that he has a greater future, so she creates a potion where he is able to turn normal until and specific hour of everyday. In this trip, Circe meets Pasiphae's husband, Daedalus (who she sleeps with) and Pasiphae's daughter Ariadne. Pasiphae of course makes Circe feel bad again, and throws her our of her home. Circe returns to Aiaia, and everything looks fairly normal, until a new man comes to her life, Odysseus.

Alright, now that you know (kind of) what is going on, I want to talk about Circe's development and why I love her so much.

See, in the beginning of the story, Circe was a naïve girl, one that did not know about the outside world, nor how bad her family treated her. She never thought of herself different, and just by the smallest heart break, she would immediately think she would die.

Now, Circe has become and independent woman, no matter how many men come to her life, or how much struggles she gets, she stands up for her self.

I love her sarcastic and how she has the right thing to say in anything. She is so well spoken and so smart too! She does not let a man touch her unless she does not want him to, and she makes sure they know that she is independent. for example, she is usually visited by men who only seek shelter before they continue their travel by boat. In page 184, some men get stuck my her island and try to get her help. She helps them because they are mortals, and they at first appreciate it, she offers to kill the pigs in her farm for food, but it is too late for that. When the men learn that she has no husband nor any man living with her, the captain pushed her to the wall and chokes her, but of course she a goddess which means that she cannot die, and they find out really quickly. She poisons them and watched as they slowly died, they says the crispy lines "As it turned out, I did kill pigs that night after all." (Page 189)

I also love how she plays around with Hermes and does not tell him she loves him. Instead they both tease each other from time to time and it's really cute (I don't think he is going to appear anymore though) also she tames lions in her island, like that is impressive!

She puts value to her name on her own, and makes sure people know she is independent and smart. She talks so well that makes any man fall for her, even thought she is not considered pretty in the outside. She makes sure to learn as much as she can and it's always willing to take a challenge no matter how hard it is. Even though she has no one by her side, she does not let this bother her in any way. She wants to leave her family in every single way and help mortals who are used by gods and goddesses. She is fearless and ready to protect those she cares about the most. And, she has learn from her past mistakes with magic and trusting people. She is a totally different person than before, and I am all for it!

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Apr 13, 2021

I liked your blog post about how much you like Circe. Your descriptions of both the plot and the character and personality of Circe are great. I'm actually really interesting in reading this book now. Another thing I like was how enthusiastic you were in your writing, it shows how excited you were about Circe.

Apr 13, 2021
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Hello! Thank you so much for your comment. I am happy that you are getting interested about Circe. I really was enthusiastic while reading because of how much I enjoyed this book, and personally really recommend it to you Sean!


Apr 12, 2021

Okay thats it, I have to read this book. Circe is an amazing character, her witty remarks, independance, and kindness make her unlike any other. I cant wait to read Circe and share my opinions on the story, characters, writing, and every other aspect of this book with you. This book is going straight to the front of the queue.

David Dolnick
David Dolnick
Apr 13, 2021
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And I have this book in my classroom library, if you ever want to read it, Kaylee!

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