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The beginning of Circe

Updated: Mar 14, 2021

I finally started reading Circe and I am hooked!

Now, If you read my last post, you probably read the description I gave about Circe, but I was completely wrong! or at least partly.

Circe is much more than I expected, with such a beautiful main character with a family who does not support her nor love her, and instead find her as an outcast.

I am unable to explain how much I am loving this book so far, and if you want to learn more about this book, here is a quick rundown. ( I am currently on page 89, yet so many things have happened.)

We meet Circe, daughter of Helios, the sun god, and the ocean nymph Perse. The word nymph is described as "not only a goddess, but a bride" (Page 3). Anyways, ever since she was born, her only purpose was to be married to some powerful person in order for her parents to trade her for something much better. But, things did not go that way, she wasn't like the other nymphs or gods, there was no word to describe her not only because she did not fit the beauty standard like her other sisters, but also because she had no powers whatsoever.

While she grew up, she was treated horribly by her family, if no boy can take her, the she was of no use. The only person who truly stayed with her and supported her was Aeetes, her younger brother. Aeetes and Circe would talk non stop about their life, and their dreams in the future. Aeetes eventually grew up into a man, a left Circe to create his own kingdom far away from anywhere else.

This broke Circe's hearth, now she was alone with no one to care and love her, she felt empty with no purpose. One day, while in the beach, Circe spotted a boat approaching her island. Here, she met Glaucos, a mortal. She was afraid at first, remembering the stories of nymphs getting ravished and abused by mortals, but she asked to sail on the boat with him either way. The started getting closer and closer, Glaucos began to go to Circe's shore everyday, they became friends, and eventually Circe fell in love. Finally she had someone to talk to, finally she was not alone, and she would do anything to keep it that way.

One day, Glaucos was upset that he couldn't support his family, and wished to be a god to "Thank (Circe) as you deserve." (page 43). Of course, this seemed as a love confession, and this was not the only time he had flitted with her, there were so many more like "And I will keep a fire...burning for you always. If you will allow me." (Page 43) and "You are a golden goddess, beautiful and kind....I would never let you go." (Page 40).

These words melted Circe's hearth, so she decided to try making Glaucos a god with a special flower. This worked, and Glaucos woke up without scars and without being tired. Glaucos became a god of water, and told his stories anywhere he went. He was happy which made Circe even more happier than ever before.

One day, Glaucos met Scylla, he fell in love and wanted to marry her as soon as he could. This broke Circe's heart (and mine too, like why would he tell Circe all these nice things and then fall in love with another nymph because she fits the beauty standard unlike Circe, but Circe is much nicer and truly loves him but... I really started to like him as a character, WHY?!)

Circe becomes so jealous that she makes Scylla into an ugly monster, showing Scylla's true personality of a greedy woman.

Glaucos tries everywhere to change Scylla into beautiful again, but there is no way to go back, and if she is ugly, she is useless.

No one finds out that Circe was the one who did this, until she finally admits it herself in front of everyone. But of course she used a drink she bought to turn Scylla into a monster, after all, Circe did not have any powers, or so did everyone thought.

Glaucos hated Circe after that, and her family despised her more than ever. Aeetes returned once more to give some news to his family, he had powers, more like witchery powers, and he knew that Circe had them too.

Aeetes already heard about the things Circe had done, and explained that the flowers she used to turn Glaucos into a god had no power whatsoever, and that it was all thanks to her.

"My father's (Helio's) words came slowly. That same numbness still masked his face. I understood with an odd jolt. He is afraid." (Page 68). This new witchery that Circe and Aeetes posses were new, which made everyone afraid of what they both could do. Helios immediately talked to Zeus about what they could do to make everyone "safe". Zeus came to the conclusion that Aeetes had to stay in his kingdom and never return, and Circe had to be sent alone to an island far away from her home.

Everyone agreed with Circe leaving, no one loved her anyways. When she arrived at this island, the only thing she had was a big house, and a lot of food enough to have a feast. She learned how to survive and not get bored.

I know I am making the book sound boring, but I promise you, I cannot stop reading this book without wanting to read more and more. I love Circe so much, she can be a bit much, but it's because she has never had someone who she can really be with, everyone has left her behind.

As I said, I am just starting this book, so there is not much for me to say except how much I am liking it, specially learning about the culture of Greek Gods.

Conclusion, Circe and Aeetes are cool, the rest of the characters can leave =) and die.

Update: Aeetes can join the rest of the characters too =) I hate him.

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Apr 12, 2021

Hello again Ashley! I just finished readng your blog post named "The Begining of Circe" and loved it! All the comments you put thrughout your writing giving little snippits of your opinion reallly brought this post together. I can tell how much you got invested into this story by reading how thought out this detailed post was. Now I want to read Circe! Also I agree that all the other character can die :)

Apr 12, 2021
Replying to

Well, hello there Kaylee Bahr. I appreciate the love so much! I enjoy reading your opinion about my blog, it is making me want to write more and more. I am also excited to hear that you want to read Circe now. If you like Greek Mythology and a strong, female lead, you will definitely enjoy this book.

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