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The beginning of Dead Poets society

Yes, I've started a new book. Finally a new writer! (nothing wrong with Madeline Miller, I love her!!!)

So strap in ladies and gentlemen, because this one is... different, in a good way of course.

We start of by the introduction of Welton Academy by Headmaster Gale Nolan, and the new students (who will be our main characters) Richard Cameron, Knox Overstreet, Neil Perry, Todd Anderson (my favorite out of all of them), and Charlie Dalton. They are here for one purpose, to follow the rules and go to an IVY League College (or at least good one). Every boy makes their parents proud because they are at the best highschool in America (according to this book). Except Todd, who's parents are not proud at all, and do not care he is here. The boys are asked what are the main four pillars to success. Each one takes a turn to answer, revealing that the four pillars are:

  • Tradition: The love of school, country and family. And to be the best.

  • Honor: Dignity and the fulfillment of duty.

  • Discipline: Respect for parents, teachers, and headmaster. Which comes from within.

  • Excellence: The result of hard work. The key to all success, in school and everywhere.

These four things will be very important to the story, because even though they sound good, I think you can get an idea of what type of book this is going to be like. One where the school is focused on work and not on the dreams of students. (this is only my opinion and I got no clue if this is actually true. Haven't finished the book yet.)

After the ceremony, the parents say good bye to their children, except Todd's parents, who don't acknowledge their kid, and talk to a different couple. Todd talks to Mr. Nolan, and it's revealed that Todd has an older brother who came into Welton before him (point is, everyone is expecting something big out of Todd).

The kids go to their new dorms, and learn that Todd and Neil will be roommates. They are both total opposites! Todd is shy, and likes to be alone. While Neil is more extroverted and tries to make any conversation he can with Todd as they both enter their new room. Knox, Charlie, and Meeks enter the room to talk to Neil, and meet Todd. They all plan a study group and try to invite Todd as well. But as they were talking, Neil's father, Mr. Perry, enters the room.

Mr. Perry tells Neil that he will not do extracurriculars because he is already doing too many, which Neil disagrees, but his father yells at him at tells him that "When you've finished medical school and you're on your own, you can do as you please. Until then, you will listen to ME!" (Page 16) (daddy issues???). Neil Finally gives up, and agrees with his father.

His father leaves and Neil returns to the room. He tells his frustration to the others, but eventually they calm him down.

We then skip to the first day of school. The students go to all their classes and just complain all the time. WHICH MAY I SAY, what are these teachers doing??????? All of these classes sound so boring, it makes sense why the people complain!!! Jesus Christ!! Eventually, they get to English class and meet their new teacher, Mr. Keating (my first favorite character!!!). He comes off as weird, but in a hilarious way! he quotes poems to try to speak to his students and tells them to call him O Captain, My Captain (written by Walt Hitman about Abraham Lincoln). He tells their students to seize the day (Carpe Diem in Latin) and tells them that they are "..only going to experience a limited number of springs, summers, and falls." (Page 26). He shows them the pictures of previous students from years ago and tells them to look at their faces. Here, Mr. Keating tells them that many of these students waited until too late to make their lives extraordinary and follow their dreams. (I love this man so much.)

Our main characters continue their classes and study afterschool, except Todd, who stays alone (because he wants to) and wonders about what Mr. Keating said. Seize the day.

Knox gets invited for a dinner from the Danburry family (a rich family). There, he knocks the door which gets opened by a beautiful girl. He was speechless, and trying to keep himself together. She asks if he is there to meet a man named Chet, but he is not able to answer because his eyes cannot stop looking at her. Eventually Mrs. Danburry appears and lets Knox in while the girl runs upstairs. Knox meets Mr. Danburry as well as Ginny (her real name is Virginia), the daughter of Mr. Danburry. Lastly we meet Chet, the son of Mr. Danburry, and his girlfriend Chris Noel, the girl who opened the door for Knox. This (of course) cracked Knox's heart, and he realizes that Chet is a brat (and I also hate him).

Once he returns to the school, he tells his friends about Chris, and how much envy he has that she is dating someone. Neil, Cameron, Meeks, Charlie and Pitts, tell him to forget her, that he has no chance and instead should start working with them on math, which he agrees.

The next day, they arrive in English class. Mr. Keating tells Neil to read the page where it tells how to understand poetry. This page gives rules to poetry, making it sounds boring. Then, Mr. Keating yells and tells the students to rip that page off! Then, to throw it in the garbage. He gives the real reason of language. How you can "..savor language and words because no matter what anyone tells you, words and ideas have power to change the world." (page 40) (Man, this teacher just shows off how smart he is. Makes me so jealous!!)

He quotes a poem again to show that poetry, romance, love and beauty are what we stay alive for. Lastly, he tells the class to open their books as they will learn about notion of romanticism.

This ends Chapter 5.

I AM IN LOVE WITH THIS BOOK! There are some flaws happening (which I will talk about in my review) but overall this book is so interesting!! I love Mr. Keating so much!! He is so wise and I love reading every time he quotes a poem. Listen, I am trash at poems, but man, these poems over here are just beautiful!! He makes everything so much fun and is the reason I keep reading!! I can't wait to learn more about him.

While the rest of our main characters, Todd is great (I can relate to him in so much) Neil, I like him too (he is very nice), and the rest are pretty much there for now, but perhaps they we will learn more about them!

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