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Third person writting? Finally?? Confirmed??

Before I start the blog (as every single blog I do in this whole website), let me get you caught up!

Chapter 6 starts off with Neil, who finds a senior annual in the library, sharing everything with everyone in the group. Here, they find an old club that Mr. Keating was in called Dead Poets Society. They go to Mr. Keating and ask about it.

He explains to the boys that this was a secret organization in the school which both sexes (female and male) participated in. He tells them he is not sure how the teachers would react to it now (which wouldn't be too good) and tells them that at the end, it died. He says all poetry was acceptable, but to join the organization, you had to be dead. Not follow the rules of the living. He tells them the club would meet in a cave (which Neil knows about) and the group decides to meet up there. Once they arrive at the cave, Neil starts the club by saying some words from an old club member. He read it at loud for everyone to hear: "I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately.....I wanted to live deep and suck out all the marrow of my life!....And not, when I came to die, discover that I had not lived." (page 53)

The guys took turns on reading poems. They would laugh and joke around from time to time but started to take it more seriously as time went on. After a couple of poems, they decide to leave and return to their dorms to sleep. The next day, they return to school normally, and Mr. Keating (again) steals the spotlight (I ain't going to tell you, so you have to find out by reading the book.)

After classes, Knox leaves the school and goes to Ridgeway Highschool where he sees Chris again. He watches her, imagining him being next to her. But then, he sees her with Chet. He wanted to see her again, but not this way, next to Chet. This makes him wonder more, how can he make words that can make Chris swoon over him.

Later that afternoon, Neil talks to Todd about how his dream has always been acting, and the opportunity has finally appeared in front of him. A play that will be happening on Henley Hall where he will audition. Neil tells that his father has always stopped him from acting, and realizes that his father wont let him do it this time. But he is confident enough to do it, without his father's permission. Optimistic, Neil starts reading the lines he is supposed to learn, and then tell Todd that there will be a Dead Poets Society meeting at night, and asks if he will join them. Todd says sure, but of course, Neil sees that Todd isn't really interested in doing anything. Todd confesses that he is scared, unlike Neil, he can't be an extrovert and share his feelings out loud. Todd tells Neil to stop worrying about him, but Neil assures him that he will keep helping Todd to gain more confidence before continuing to read.

In Mr. Keating's class, he asks everyone to recite their own poems. After Knox's poem, Mr. Keating calls on Todd. Todd gets scared to death (because he has not prepared at all, and is going to talk in front of the class which is always cringe) and tells the truth to Mr. Keating. Mr. Keating tells Todd to say Yawp louder and louder, to the point where Todd screams. This makes Mr. Keating proud. Then, he asks Todd to tell him what he thinks of a picture in the classroom's door. Todd starts describing his feelings towards the pictures without thinking of his answers. Mr. Keating keeps pushing and pushing for more answers from Todd. As Todd keeps describing his feelings towards the picture, he starts to give rhythm to his words, and starts to create a poem without even realizing it. Once he is finally done, Mr. Keating tells him that there is magic in him and everyone starts applauding. (CHARACTER DEVELOPEMENT LET'S GOOOO)

The boys meet in the cave again after classes, sharing each others poems. Eventually, Knox yells that he has had enough, and that he wants to be with Chris again (very dramatic). He says that he will call her and try to speak to her again. She picks up the phone, and tells Knox that he can come to a party Chet is throwing. Knox says he would love to go and then she hangs up. All the guys are happy for him, but also scared that he might get hurt by her. (I mean, at least Knox is happy.)

Alrighty, all done for now!!

This book is written in third person, narrated by what I call The void voice (this is what I call the narrators that never have a name). I LOVE that this is written in third person, because then, I can get to know all of the characters, their own problems, thoughts, as well as pretty much everything they are experiencing. In the book (when all the characters are in different places) it jumps from character to character which I thought was going to be annoying (because there are so many names) but to be honest, it is so easy to read and get caught up! I also love that this book is always so detailed about what is happening in the story, and makes sure to never leave anything hanging (except if its a secret that will happen later on in the book.)

I think I would not want this book to be in first person because each character brings it's own thing to the story, and it would be a bit more boring without everyone. If this book was in first person though, I would love to hear it from Todd's or Mr. Keating's perspective. OMG It could be from Mr. Keating slowly realizing that the guys are bringing the club back to life, and also we could learn about his problems with the school because of the way he teaches! Or I think it would be very interesting to know what is going on with the other teachers, they all look so mean, but I want to now why they turned out like this, because they most likely had dreams just like our main characters when they were their age.

But, either way, I am glad that this book is in third person. The only bad thing I have with the third person writting is that there are some characters that are just there and pretty much serve no purpose whatsoever, like Cameron (what is that guy even doing at this point??) but as always, I am hoping in the future we can learn more about the other characters and get epic gamer character development for all the people!! Everyone deserves character development!!

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