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The end of Dead Poets Society

I've finished the book! It is a very small book (only with166 pages). Wanna know how it ends? Keep reading! Or don't, I mean you do you.....

SO! Beginning of chapter 9, we see Neil in his practice for the play, enjoying himself! Then, he returns to the school and finds Todd very upset. We learn that it is Todd's birthday, and that (as a present) he got another desk set (which is the same as the one he already owns). This proves to him that his parents don't care about him at all because they don't remember they got him the same thing last year. Neil tries to comfort Todd making jokes about it which makes Todd feel better.

One everyone arrives at Mr. Keating's class, they find out that they have to meet in the courtyard. They get there and Mr. Keating immediately tells Cameron, Knox, Pitts and another student to start walking without thinking. They all started walking without being in sync, but once Mr. Keating starts clapping in a rhythm, they start walking in the same rhythm as him. This is an experiment he was trying to do with his students to show how easy you can be influenced by others and how difficult it is to maintain your own believes in the presence of others.

Charlie, tells the others that he will like to meet in the cave for a club optimistically. Everyone gets to the cave and wait for Charlie who arrives with two women, Tina and Gloria. The both I guess likes him, I got no clue what happens with this interaction. But anyways, Charlie says that he now wants people to call him Nuwanda.

After this, we follow Knox, now in the party. He meets up with Chris but she leaves him alone and he starts looking around the house. Eventually he meets some random guys and they... um... intoxicate him? and he gets drunk (which is very, very bad. HE IS 16!!!) He stops drinking and leaves to the living room to sit down in the sofa. He was surrounded by couples kissing everywhere, and without noticing, Chet and Chris where next to him also kissing. Knox was unable to control himself, and slowly started touching Chris (PLEASE SOMEONE KILL ME). Of course, Chet noticed and yelled at Knox. Knox left the party, heartbroken.

Charlie admits to the guys that he wrote an article about the dead poets society to publish to the school and let people know about the club. This didn't end well, and Charlie got in trouble. He didn't say anything nor snitched on the rest of the members, but he got warned that he needed to tell on everyone or else it will bring really bad consequences on him. Mr. Keating tells Charlie that it was a bad idea to tell about the club and that now he risks being expelled. Charlie apologizes.

A few days later, Todd is helping Neil with his parts for the play, and while that happens, Neil's dad arrives. Mr. Perry tells Neil that he is not allowed to participate in the play anymore, and that he needs to focus on medical school. This aggravates Neil, but he can't say anything. Neil goes to Mr. Keating for advice on his father, and Mr. Keating tells him that he should talk to his father about his passion instead of doing everything without him knowing. Neil does not like the idea at all, but he tells Mr. Keating that he will speak with his father. (he didn't). Knox goes to Chris's highschool and confesses his love for her, with a poem as well as flowers. And after he is done, he runs away from the highschool.

The day of the play arrives, and all the guys including Mr. Keating go to watch Neil. While getting ready to watch the play, Knox meets again with Chris and he tells her to give him a chance. She warns him that Chet might kill him but Knox still reassures her that he does not care and only wants to spend time with her. And if she does not end up liking him, he will leave her alone for ever. They both sit down together and watch the play together. After Neil gives his everything in the play and everyone cheers, Mr. Perry finds Neill again and tells him they will leave now. Neil goes with his father in his car, and the rest of the guys hang out in the cave. Chris and Knox kiss and start dating, and the rest of the guys keep saying their poems while also worrying about Neil.

Neil arrives at his house to see his mom crying. His father tells him that he is going to military school and after that go to Harvard medical school. This makes Neil lose every hope of his life, which leads him to kill himself with a gun.

The group finds out about his death, and the one impacted the most was Todd because Neil was everything to him. The one who tried to make him confident. Neil is buried and after that, everyone believes it was Mr. Keating that influenced Neil into killing himself, except the guys. They are forced to sign a paper agreeing that they were in the Dead Poets Society and that they were influenced by Mr. Keating. But once it was Todd's turn, he told Mr. Nolan that it was not Mr. Keating's fault, and they were never influenced by him, but the dean did not care and Todd was forced to sign.

Once the guys were in English class, Mr. Keating was no where to be seen. Instead, Mr. Nolan was there. He asked Cameron to read the page where it explains how to understand poetry, but Cameron said that that page was riped out the book. And so he was forced to read off the teacher's book. Mr. Keating finally appeared again, to pick up his stuff from the classroom. He stand there, listening to Cameron read the page. Todd couldn't handle it anymore and jumped to tell Mr. Keating that they were all forced to sign in. Mr. Nolan tells him that if he keeps screaming again, he will be expelled. The rest of the boys joined him calling Mr. Keating O captain! My captain! while standing on their desks. Finally everyone saluted in silence to Mr. Keating. He said thank you, and left the guys, still standing and saluting him in silence.

Yeah!!! I did it!!!

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