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Circe's Introduction.

Updated: Mar 15, 2021

The book Circe and the character were introduced really good, because it shows Circe's relationships with others, her family, and her childhood moments which also show her personality and naiveness to the world.

"When I was born, the name for what I was did not exist." (Page 4) This is the first sentence of the book which not only tells lot about Circe, but also explains the main topic of the book (which is that she is a witch unlike any other). Saying that what she was did not have a name, shows that she is different, how? we don't know, but that means that she will get isolated from other people.

The intro explains to us partly what nymphs are which is what people call Circe at first. It also gives us some background information about Perse (Circe's mother), Helios (Circe's father), and how they met. I really like that we are told their story before Circe because it shows me the parent's relationship and their personalities.

Then we are introduced to Circe as a kid and her siblings. We are shown how she is excluded from the family and bullied by them, except by Aeetes, her younger brother who she can fully talk and be comfortable with.

The introduction was able to make me hooked to the book, and discover the life of Circe.

You also don't get confused by the things that are going on thanks to the good introduction of the world Circe lives in .

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